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Mr Arnold's Class

Mr Arnold

Mr Arnold, Miss Long and Mrs Mitchell.

This term the pupils are studying our local ecosystem. They will be conducting their own research, writing a non-chronological report and making leaflets about how we can support and help the ecosystem thrive. In science we are learning about organisms and biology, focusing on processes like photosynthesis, fertilisation, food chains and testing the pH of soil and how this effects the eco-system.

The students are also doing PSHE this term learning about the local community and the roles and responsibilities within the community and how citizens can work together to improve the community. In computing the children will be using this information and creating an advert to gain support for looking after the community

In Maths, pupils are learning about statistics and charts such as pictograms and bar charts. They will be interpreting and presenting information in different types of charts before moving onto telling the time and then long multiplication and division. Children often have questions to ask during maths lessons which help to ensure that children are mastering the skills that they learn by applying them in number of ways.

In PE this term the pupils will be playing cricket and rounders. They will develop skills of bowling, batting and fielding while playing cooperative and competitive matches.

The children will also be studying Islam this term in RS, learning the key principles and Islamic belief in angels, the prophets and looking at Islamic art as a creative expression of belief.

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Useful Websites: 

 Discover the REAL Projects -       

 You can research or revise any KS3 subject using the BBC bitesize website -   

 Practice your mental maths skills -
