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Useful Information

Holidays Advice and Help

If you are worried about feeling low over the holidays or feel you need to talk to someone, this is what you can do.


It is SO important to talk to someone, make sure you choose someone who will be able to give you helpful advice on where to get support, or you can use any of the following to get good support. If you type in to Google CAMHs Lincoln, you can go on the CAMH’s website. On the home page so far down it says young people link, if you click on it you will see a picture of two cartoon characters talking. On the left it says Lincolnshire, click on it and it takes you to lots of useful information. These are some ways you can help yourself, or if you feel that this isn't enough, further advice and guidance can be found using the below contacts.                                                                                                                                                     

Child line free phone number: 08001111                                                                                                     

Offer free online counselling and emotional well being support. Can help with exam stress. (12 noon - 10pm weekdays / 6pm - 10pm weekends)                                       

Samaritans free phone number: 116 123


Your Parent or Carer can also self-refer to CAMHs on this phone number: 01522 309120

If your child is at Crisis point, you can ask your GP to do an urgent referral to the CAMHs crisis team.

HOWEVER, if you feel that things really are not ok and you have nobody you can talk to and you are not sure what you might do, you MUST go to the nearest Accident and Emergency department of your local Hospital or call 111 for advice.

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