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Mr Green's Class

Mr Green

Class Team: Mr Green, Mrs Duncan and Mrs Dow.

Happy 2025, this term we have had Mrs Duncan join our class.
During this term, we are looking at the book study of George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. A known book by our students, so we are looking forward to seeing the great pieces of work they will achieve.

Last term in project, we looked at plastic pollution and the best ways to reduce this for the environment and to help the wildlife. During our learning we created the posters below to help encourage members of the public to help with this.

We have trampolining to look forward to this term. Learning the rules and becoming confident in bouncing, twisting and flipping. The students have started looking at Algebra in maths and understanding how algebra is written, as well as looking at some of the simple calculations and how they are worked out. 

As the terms are progressing, the students are exceeding in their spellings which will help them in the future.
We look forward to showing you this terms work.

Miss McDougall's Class Downloads

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World Mental Health Day 2024

In October, we celebrated World Mental Health Day at Athena School! Pupils were given the opportunity to join in a ‘tea and talk’ event in their class groups