Miss Walker, Miss Long and Miss Cripps.
This term Mrs Wyles and Miss Eastmead’s class will be taken on by Miss Walker who is very excited to work with the children and their learning.
Our work this term in English focuses around the mystery of the children’s novel, The Nowhere Emporium where the children will look at how the author has purposefully crafted the structure, setting and characters. The pupils will be building their reading skills of reading critically and answering the key, ‘how' and ‘why’, questions.

Within Science they will be focusing on biology and the digestive system and nutrition, allowing them to understand themselves and the way their body works. The class will be building their knowledge through both written and practical work; science is becoming a firm favourite in our class and the pupils are all very keen scientists.
In Maths, we will begin the term looking at number and building our fluency with multiplication (squares, cubes and roots). We will then move onto properties of shape, using appropriate language and terminologies. Which will then naturally lead the learning onto angles and constructing geometric shapes themselves.
Within our non-core subjects we will be studying the Black Death in History, health and fitness and gymnastics in PE, Cells project using painting techniques to create texture in Art, algorithms and programming in Computing as well as the impact of the weather and climate in Geography.
Within our personal subjects we will be looking at what is sacred in RS, risk in PSHE and the use and function of money, budgeting and managing risk in Citizenship.