Stonewall Champion
"Acceptance without exception"
Stonewall Champion
"Acceptance without exception"
Here at Athena we are proud to be a Stonewall Champion school. We have a Stonewall Champion lead in school who attends training to enable the school to be equipped with the knowledge, tools and confidence to train colleagues on tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and celebrating difference, as well as meeting the requirements of the inspection frameworks in England, Scotland and Wales.
Being a Stonewall School enables us to:
We have used the skills and knowledge from this training to enable us to meet and excel in our duties regarding the implementation of PSHE and RSHE within our SEMH environment.
We know that every child is unique and every family is different and we want to celebrate and empower our students with this knowledge and understanding.
In October, we celebrated World Mental Health Day at Athena School! Pupils were given the opportunity to join in a ‘tea and talk’ event in their class groups