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Leave of absence form

This form must be completed and forwarded to the Headteacher of the school attended by the child BEFORE the period of absence desired. Pupils should only be absent during term time in exceptional circumstances. Completed forms should be returned to the school as soon as possible.

The Government guideline for Secondary School attendance is 95%. Any pupil with an attendance level of 90% or below is classed as a ‘persistent absentee’ and without evidence parents may be issued with a fixed penalty. 

Click here to find the latest attendance rules from Lincoln County Council

Downloadable Absence form:

Leave of Absence Form

Pupils should only be absent during term time in exceptional circumstances.

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World Mental Health Day 2024

In October, we celebrated World Mental Health Day at Athena School! Pupils were given the opportunity to join in a ‘tea and talk’ event in their class groups