Access family support, change your details or request a leave of absence.
Helpful Websites
All parents and carers looking after children have things that worry us and we can’t know every answer to everything for us or our children, so here are some links we thought may be of help.
How can I help my child? Link to NHS Lincolnshire help guide
Online Safety Guides
For online safety guides for parents and carers on a range of the issues that might affect your children, including social media apps, games and internet safety: https://nationalonlinesafety.c...
Drug and alcohol:
For advice and support about internet safety:
Domestic Abuse services and support:
EDAN Lincs Domestic Abuse Service is a registered charity. We cover the county of Lincolnshire, and provide support and assistance to men, women and children suffering, or fleeing from domestic abuse. As an organisation, our mission statement is:
“To support and empower all those affected by domestic abuse. To raise awareness of the impacts of domestic abuse and promote intolerance of it”.
We are working towards a society in which freedom of movement and speech is the right of everyone to achieve quality of life.
If you are worried about your child and self-harming and don’t know how to talk to them, here is a free online course to support you:
The NHS website to signpost you to support services and offer helpful advice: NHS Choices:
Your local GP surgery.
If you need urgent medical help contact your local A&E or call 999.
Support for parents with parenting and education:
For adult learning
support and top tips for parents wanting to help their child positively with their learning:
For positive parenting advice and tips:
To support parents, carers and children who are trauma experienced
To support parents, carers and children with what to do after leaving school
General support and advice:
The most up to date sign posting for support or useful support groups/services in Lincolnshire, the family directory:
For any general information on family services/benefit advice/housing and services in your area.