Cultural Capital within Athena School
What is Cultural Capital?
Cultural capital is defined as the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours, and skills that a student can draw upon and that demonstrates their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence and is a main factor in helping students to be successful in society and the world of work.
We recognise that for students to aspire and be successful both in society and academically, they need to be provided with a range of opportunities that will develop these skills. Within Athena
School this is completed through our curriculum, school clubs, trips, and visits, as well as careers activities.
There are six areas of development that inter link and contribute to the building a ‘well rounded’ student. These are:
1. Personal Development
2. Social Development
3. Physical Development
4. Spiritual Development
5. Moral Development
6. Cultural Development
Our main priority is supporting our student’s education to enable them to be the best that they can be in this ever changing and diverse society, as this will enable them to have equal opportunities to
live, learn and achieve.
Personal Development
Careers and information programme
Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum
Careers Ambassadors
LGBTQ+ group
E-Safety Ambassadors
Mental Health and Wellbeing Ambassadors
Mental Health and Wellbeing activities throughout the year.
School Jobs Rota
Transition support and Induction
Social Development
Nurturing Breakfast time built into the school day.
PSHE curriculum
Charity and Fundraising events
School Council
Healthy Schools’ Accreditation?
Access to counselling
Nurturing Lunch time
Guided reading groups.
Physical Development
Football coaching by Lincoln City
PSHE and RSE curriculum
Food Technology curriculum
Healthy Eating policies?
Anti-bullying and Safeguarding policies
Wall climbing
Spiritual Development
Religious Education curriculum
Tutor Time activities of faiths and festivals
School visit to the local Mosque and Church.
Moral Development
Religious Education curriculum
Local Nature Campaign
Tutor Time Activities
Behaviour Management Programme
Contributions to local, national and international charitable projects.
Cultural Development
Tutor Time Activities
Promotion of racial equality through school ethos.
Access to the languages and cultures of other countries through the curriculum and school trips and visits.